School Information
School Hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 8:30 am - 3:20 pm
Wednesday: 8:30 am - 2:00 pm
PreK Hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 8:45 am - 3:10 pm
Wednesday: 8:45 am - 1:50 pm
Reporting Absences by Email: If your child will be absent or tardy from school, please email your child’s teacher and the Main Office at before 9:00 AM. Please include your child’s name and a reason for the absence or tardy so we can mark the absence accurately. Doctors’ notes for medical absences can also be sent to this email address and any change in dismissal plans can be sent before 1:00 PM. If a last minute dismissal change must be made, please call the Main Office at 860-236-3315.
Reporting Absences by Phone: You can also call the Main Office at 860-236-3315 and select 1 to report an absence or tardy. Please call the office before 8:30 AM and include your child’s name, classroom teacher, and a reason for the absences or tardy so we can mark the absence accordingly. Breakfast: Students eating breakfast at school can enter through the cafeteria entrance on St. James Street beginning at 8:20. Students eat breakfast in the cafeteria and walk to their classrooms when the bell rings at 8:30.
Parent Drop Off/Arrival:
To ease congestion, please use bus transportation if possible.
All students enter the building through the St. James Street doors between 8:20-8:30. The St. James Street doors will open at 8:20 and school starts promptly at 8:30. For the safety of our children, please do not drop off your children any earlier than 8:20 as we do not have supervision before that time.
Curbside drop-off is available on St. James Street. Parents can pull up to the curb in front of the school and allow their children to exit their vehicles on the curbside.
Due to the high volume of vehicles that utilize the student drop-off zone located in front of the school, please follow these drop-off procedures:
Parking is not allowed in the drop-off zone in front of the St. James Street entrance.
When pulling into the drop-off zone, pull your vehicle up to the furthest allowable space.
Remain in your vehicle and staff will aid students in getting their backpacks.
Please have children exit on the curbside when getting out of vehicles.
After dropping off students, follow vehicles in front of you until you clear the drop-off lane so you do not merge into westbound traffic.
Individuals should not turn their vehicles around in any portion of the roadway located between the bus lane and Acadia Street or the bus lane.
Student drop-offs or pickups are not permitted from the south side of St. James Street (across the street from the school).
Breakfast: Students eating breakfast at school can enter through the cafeteria entrance on St. James Street beginning at 8:10. Students eat breakfast in the cafeteria and walk to their classrooms when the bell rings at 8:30. Students who are not eating breakfast cannot enter the building until after 8:20.
Parent Pick Up/Dismissal:
PreK, Kindergarten, and Grade 1 students are dismissed outside their classroom doors.
Grade 2-5 students are dismissed from the blacktop.
Smith School Building Protocols
Individuals picking up students should enter the school using the designated camera-monitored entrance, located on the east side of the school.
All individuals will:
wait in front of the camera so that staff members can establish a visual observation of you using the cameras.
use the intercom system to describe the purpose of your visit. Please keep in mind that school staff members have been directed to ask each visitor their name and the reason for their visit.
check in with the front office once allowed entry so they can sign in and be given a visitor’s badge. All visitors will show their identification upon entering the office.
wait in the main office for students and should not enter the school hallways or classrooms.
Upon entering the school, please close the door behind you; we do not want any other visitor to “piggyback” an entry into the school. Do not enter the school behind another visitor who has been granted access into the school; each person should request individual admission.
Please confine your visit to the area where your presence was requested or required. Upon conclusion of your visit, please remember to sign out at the front office.
Gentle Reminders
Dogs are NOT allowed on school grounds when school is in session; this includes both drop-off and pick-up periods.
Adults are not allowed on the school field or playground while school is in session. If you are picking up a child you must wait until dismissal time to enter school grounds.
There is no vehicle access to the bus lane during the following hours: 8:15 a.m.-8:45 a.m., 3:00 p.m.-3:45 p.m., or 1:30 p.m.-2:15 p.m.
There are no student drop-offs or pick-ups permitted in front of the entrance or exit points of the bus lane.
Parking on school days is not allowed on Seymour Street during the hours of 8:15 a.m.-8:45 a.m., 3:00 p.m.-3:45 p.m. & 1:30 p.m.-2:15 p.m. (Wednesdays). Parking is allowed on the south side in designated areas.
We work very closely with the West Hartford Police Department as student safety is one of our top priorities. WHPD officers work with our students teaching safety education programs. It is not uncommon to see a police car parked in front of our school.
As mandated by the State of Connecticut we practice both fire and crisis response drills throughout the year. Through the completion of these drills, we hope to instill confidence in our children and staff that they know how to respond during an emergency without unnecessary stress or anxiety.